Recent content by banjonator1

  1. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    I feel it's my civic duty to vote super arrow
  2. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    Give Lucy Liberty
  3. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    mighty gazelle thanks
  4. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    Gimme that Octoman
  5. banjonator1

    what genres of music do you like

    according to popular music tracker my most played artists over the past year are not totally accurate but maybe a good median
  6. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    You're really making me want to travel ;-; Gr8 pics though
  7. banjonator1

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - 26 - Banjo - 31 - Xandalf thx packakakgakgkgky it was a good birthday i'm gonna post some stuff about it soon <3 thanks! i believe i have made a grave error
  8. banjonator1

    Soundgarden Front man Chris Cornell has died aged 52

    I listened to so much Audioslave with my mom, it was her favorite band. I'm just really sorry for his family, he has a wife and a young daughter if I'm not wrong. And really, he seemed so clean and sober since like 2004ish so this is super out of left field :(
  9. banjonator1

    Soundgarden Front man Chris Cornell has died aged 52

    Audioslave is one of the bands that got me into music and Soundgarden is one of my all time favorites. I'm scared to find out how he passed honestly, he's worked very hard to get himself clean from drugs and alcohol in the past.
  10. banjonator1

    what are your favorite music videos?

    yessss mcd the avalanches are really really good
  11. banjonator1

    The official name change announcement thread

  12. banjonator1

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    don't quote me here but i'm thinking it might be pink gold peach
  13. banjonator1

    General Discussion

    Thanks :wario:
  14. banjonator1

    General Discussion

    Definitely not trying to open up a discussion of gender on the wiki as per birdo or vivian, I just honestly want to know if there's a reason the crystal minibosses from Wario World are given female pronouns edit: I'm guessing it was...