Articles for the Implied

Time Turner

You are filled with determination. (R/GD/TT)
With my recently passed proposal, certain implied sections get to be split. They'll be split if people agree to it, so I'll start off with a few suggestions and we can continue on from there.


  • Toad Force V - a TV show that several characters constantly bring up, with Bowser even saying that it's his favourite show


I haven't even touched some of the lists yet, and there are plenty more subjects that I want to discuss, but too many bullet points might be overwhelming for a discussion. Everyone is free to suggest other implied subjects.
Not regarding a split, but I'd like a rough consensus on Hoohoo Civilization.

Instead of merging with the "List of implied" page (which is what came to me first), I think it's best merged with Hooroglyph: all of the information may suitably be incorporated there.

I'll check out your proposed splits as soon as I can manage with time.
Wow, talk about an article forgotten by time. I like the idea of merging the two articles together, but I'd actually support the reverse, with Hooroglyph being merged to Hoohoo Civilization. It makes more sense to me for the main article to be about the civilization rather than the language that said civilization used.
Definitely agree with that actually: I just lazily looked towards the more established of the two.
I thought about including the Croacuses, since they have quite a bit of information and even images, but my biggest concern with them is that they're not particularly relevant to the story.