Recent content by G Major Steven Stone

  1. G Major Steven Stone

    Maybe they feel so awkward that it's suddenly brought up that they don't know what to say

    Maybe they feel so awkward that it's suddenly brought up that they don't know what to say
  2. G Major Steven Stone

    [ATTACH] I don’t wish you luck applying for your residency

    I don’t wish you luck applying for your residency
  3. G Major Steven Stone

    Which ones are you thinking of I guess that's me occasionally

    Which ones are you thinking of I guess that's me occasionally
  4. G Major Steven Stone

    I know I just didn’t want to spoil that for users who hadn’t seen the episode

    I know I just didn’t want to spoil that for users who hadn’t seen the episode
  5. G Major Steven Stone

    [ATTACH] Gonna take a “leap of faith” and say that’s not the episode being shown here. That...

    Gonna take a “leap of faith” and say that’s not the episode being shown here. That being said I like the episode shown in the picture even more by far
  6. G Major Steven Stone

    Why is it wrong to wish karma on people who purposely treat you terribly?

    Idk you should never wish for someone to be traumatized, but if someone intentionally acts in bad faith they should be called out for it, and sometimes given a reasonable punishment in a way that makes them feel discomfort for what they did, such as jail time. Nothing is wrong with thinking...
  7. G Major Steven Stone

    Why is it wrong to wish karma on people who purposely treat you terribly?

    I agree, you can not want to take action towards someone and still not forgive them though
  8. G Major Steven Stone

    Why is it wrong to wish karma on people who purposely treat you terribly?

    It can go either way. If someone screwed up but it wasn’t irredeemable and it’s clear they legitimately want to make amends, then that’s the case. But there are crimes so low that it’s perfectly normal not to forgive people for.
  9. G Major Steven Stone

    SpaGHAYtti Gay Gay

    SpaGHAYtti Gay Gay
  10. G Major Steven Stone

    MarioWiki Poll Discussion

    I suppose Super Mario Odyssey, because each different world having a very large amount of collectibles would be cool. That or Super Mario Galaxy 3 because there could likely be more original level design, though Odyssey 2 should have that too. (EDIT: second vote cool)
  11. G Major Steven Stone

    Oh I’m sorry, what’s going on?

    Oh I’m sorry, what’s going on?
  12. G Major Steven Stone

    [ATTACH] [yanws]

  13. G Major Steven Stone

    can’t wait to see what memes they’ll make in 3004 if we havent died of a world war or climate change

    can’t wait to see what memes they’ll make in 3004 if we havent died of a world war or climate change
  14. G Major Steven Stone

    Inverted version of MLP:FiM Season 9 commentary image I posted last August, as it is relevant to...

    Inverted version of MLP:FiM Season 9 commentary image I posted last August, as it is relevant to my current theme. Original: Inverted:
  15. G Major Steven Stone

    Yeah in a way not all but some good dreams can be more obnoxious than bad dreams depending on...

    Yeah in a way not all but some good dreams can be more obnoxious than bad dreams depending on the context of one's actual life; they can remind one of how much better their life could be. I've had extremely similar dreams to the ones you mentioned but I prefer not to go into detail as I never...